Sunday, August 17, 2008

Comedy team (8/16/08)

So tonight, I was feeling kinda bored. My room mate had soccer practice and then went to dinner with his girlfriend, so the five total minutes that I saw him didn't stem the tide of nothing-to-do that was washing over me. I got on the internet and checked out Facebook, which led to a site about people failing at life. I was originally on the internet to kill some time before dinner, which I thought started at 7:00. Well, 7:30 rolled around and I decided to head down for some sustenance. Upon entering the hallway that led to the dining room, I noticed a distinct lack of students occupying the cafeteria and a distinct lack of food occupying the trays and containers. In my dismay, and in hunger, I trudged back up the stairs to my room, bored and hungry now. There was nothing else to do so I decided that I should probably walk over to Doyle and see if there was anyone that I could talk to. To my surprise, the door was locked to the lobby, someone had to let me in, but I made it in anyway. Now this dorm was a very big difference from the ghost town that I had just left. There were people for one, and they were doing something, be it watching the Olympics or playing pool. So I decided to sit down and watch the Women's Marathon, not the most entertaining of sports. That was trivial, because I actually got conversation, a thing that had been lacking previously. I talked to people, introduced myself, and eventually found myself talking to a girl that I had been taking the siding off with and a guy that is playing in Marching Band with me. That conversation led to a small group that was heading over to the library to watch an indie comedy group called the Late Night Players. 

Now the Late Night Players were a trio from Boston made up of Seth, Aaron, and Zach. They were very funny and entertained is with skits, slides, and some songs about our very school. They entertained us for maybe a few hours and then we disbanded. I managed to get a signed poster and a t-shirt from their merchandise stand. I headed back to my dorm and started watching the Olympics.

Now tonight was a special night. A historic night. It was the night that Michael Phelps made history, winning more gold medals in a single Olympics than anyone else in history. There was also a race in which Dara Torres won a silver medal, she's 41, and where the women's relay won a silver medal. I talked on Facebook for a while and eventually decided to go to bed, there was church the next morning.

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